1 mile run 100 pull-ups 200 push-ups 300 air squats 1 mile run If you’ve got a 9 kg. a vest or body armor, wear it
1 mile run 100 pull-ups 200 push-ups 300 air squats 1 mile run If you’ve got a 9 kg. a vest or body armor, wear it
18-12-9 Power clean (70/50 kg) Push jerk Work up to heavy 1 rep power clean and push jerk
5 rounds (increase to as heavy as possible) 3 rounds (each) P1) 400m farmers carry (heavy) P2) P3) KB swings (32/24kg) Pace is dictated by the person doing the 400m farmers carry
For time: Row 500m 50 air squats Row 500m 50 box jumps (60/50 cm) Row 500m 50 sit-ups Row 500m 50 MB Russian twists (9/6 kg) Row 500m
EMOM 7 min 20 double-unders 3 strict muscle-ups 1 min rest EMOM 7 min 20 lateral parallette jumps 4 strict HSPU
For time: 100 DB/KB goblet squats (24/16kg) Every time you break, perform: 20 mountain climbers 50 DB renegade rows (24/16kg) Every time you break, perform: 20 mountain climbers 25 devils press Every time you break, perform: 20 mountain climbers